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Nuclear Survival: What are my odds? Lets do the math!

Nuclear Survival: What are my odds? Lets do the math!

This week let's go over our chances of survival during a nuclear war of global proportions. 

In 2024 the global population is 8.2 Billion people.

During an "all out" nuclear conflict estimates say there will 360 Million casualties within the first few crucial and critical days following detonation. 

The death toll over the following 2 years due to famine and other complications is estimated at 5.3 Billion. 

By that math we will lose 5.6 BILLION people during a global nuclear conflict.

Leaving 2.6 Billion people on earth to rebuild, adapt, and to gather the remaining pieces of whats left and build something new. 

If we look at the history of the global population in 1950, we will see that the global population was 2.6 Billion!

By 1960, the global population rose to 3 Billion! 

While a nuclear event of any proportion would be devastating to life as we know it, the odds are good to survive and rebuild should we choose to plan ahead. 

We end with the 6 P's







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