The U.S. Army Field Telephones EE-8B is a portable field telephone designed for use on either local or common battery telephone systems. The talking and signaling range varies with the type of wire used, the condition of the wire (dry, wet, frayed) and whether the wire is on the ground or in the air. As a local battery telephone, a talking range of 11 to 17 miles is typical, suitable for Corps area usage.
The phones are contained in a case approximately 9.5 x 7.75 x 3.5 inches weighing about 9.75 pounds including battery. The EE-8-B is a little larger than the EE-8. The main difference between the EE-8 and the other models is that a section of the case lid has been cut out and replaced by flexible material to enable the handset to be hung on the case in a position to hold down the lever switch.
At the start of World War II, the EE-8 in a leather case with a leather strap was standard issue. However, experience in the Pacific showed right away that leather did not hold up and the EE-8 leather case was replaced by an olive drab canvas case with web strap.
The EE-8B chassis is sheet steel.
The EE-8 was used from early in World War II through the Vietnam War. Its last production had a nylon case and straps, after the changeover to that material in 1967.
At the top of the phone, exposed when the cover is opened, there is a terminal block. All control switches and binding posts for wire are contained on the terminal block. The lever switch is curved and spring loaded so that it is depressed when the weight of the handset is rested on it (EE-8 is off line, switch open). The EE-8 comes on the line when the handset is lifted (switch closed).
A 90-100 volt, 20 Hz hand-cranked ringing generator GN-38A or GN-38B is used with the EE-8B. The crank is operated from the side of the case. The TS-9-F Handset connects to the EE-8B. Two BA-30 1.5 volt D-cell batteries are installed in the battery compartment reached from the terminal block area at the top-inside of the case.
How to use the EE-8 Field Phone
Operation of the phone is the same with all models.
Point to Point Operation. In point to point circuits, local battery operation is used and the pair of phones on each end of the circuit are connected directly together (no switchboard). The hand-cranked generator is used to signal the other station. Ranges up to hundreds of miles are possible under ideal conditions with high quality wire.
Switchboard Operation. Switchboards may be used in local battery mode or common battery mode. In local battery operation, all EE-8 phones are connected to the switchboard which can connect any pair as necessary. The hand-cranked generator is used to signal the switchboard. Several local battery switchboards can be connected together by trunks; any telephone of any of the switchboards can be connected to any other phone. Use of a switchboard in local battery mode reduces the distance that the signals will carry.
Common battery mode switchboard operation involves common battery signaling and local battery transmission. The local EE-8 must have batteries and the handset switch must be operated when talking. The lever switch of the telephone is used to signal the switchboard operator.
EE-8 Field Phone Accesories
The EE-89 Telephone Repeater may be used to increase the distance between EE-8 field telephones, up to double. The EE-89 is powered by a single BA-40 (See TM 11-2006).
In arctic weather, the BA-2030/U Battery should be used in place of the BA-30.
The technical manual for the EE-8 phones is TM 11-333.
Communicating In the Field
EE-8 Field Telephone
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The U.S. Army Field Telephones EE-8B is a portable field telephone designed for use on either local or common battery telephone systems. The talking and signaling range varies with the type of wire used, the condition of the wire (dry, wet, frayed) and whether the wire is on the ground or in the air. As a local battery telephone, a talking range of 11 to 17 miles is typical, suitable for Corps area usage.
The phones are contained in a case approximately 9.5 x 7.75 x 3.5 inches weighing about 9.75 pounds including battery. The EE-8-B is a little larger than the EE-8. The main difference between the EE-8 and the other models is that a section of the case lid has been cut out and replaced by flexible material to enable the handset to be hung on the case in a position to hold down the lever switch.
At the start of World War II, the EE-8 in a leather case with a leather strap was standard issue. However, experience in the Pacific showed right away that leather did not hold up and the EE-8 leather case was replaced by an olive drab canvas case with web strap.
The EE-8B chassis is sheet steel.
The EE-8 was used from early in World War II through the Vietnam War. Its last production had a nylon case and straps, after the changeover to that material in 1967.
At the top of the phone, exposed when the cover is opened, there is a terminal block. All control switches and binding posts for wire are contained on the terminal block. The lever switch is curved and spring loaded so that it is depressed when the weight of the handset is rested on it (EE-8 is off line, switch open). The EE-8 comes on the line when the handset is lifted (switch closed).
A 90-100 volt, 20 Hz hand-cranked ringing generator GN-38A or GN-38B is used with the EE-8B. The crank is operated from the side of the case. The TS-9-F Handset connects to the EE-8B. Two BA-30 1.5 volt D-cell batteries are installed in the battery compartment reached from the terminal block area at the top-inside of the case.
How to use the EE-8 Field Phone
Operation of the phone is the same with all models.
Point to Point Operation. In point to point circuits, local battery operation is used and the pair of phones on each end of the circuit are connected directly together (no switchboard). The hand-cranked generator is used to signal the other station. Ranges up to hundreds of miles are possible under ideal conditions with high quality wire.
Switchboard Operation. Switchboards may be used in local battery mode or common battery mode. In local battery operation, all EE-8 phones are connected to the switchboard which can connect any pair as necessary. The hand-cranked generator is used to signal the switchboard. Several local battery switchboards can be connected together by trunks; any telephone of any of the switchboards can be connected to any other phone. Use of a switchboard in local battery mode reduces the distance that the signals will carry.
Common battery mode switchboard operation involves common battery signaling and local battery transmission. The local EE-8 must have batteries and the handset switch must be operated when talking. The lever switch of the telephone is used to signal the switchboard operator.
EE-8 Field Phone Accesories
The EE-89 Telephone Repeater may be used to increase the distance between EE-8 field telephones, up to double. The EE-89 is powered by a single BA-40 (See TM 11-2006).
In arctic weather, the BA-2030/U Battery should be used in place of the BA-30.
The technical manual for the EE-8 phones is TM 11-333.
Communicating In the Field
EE-8 Field Telephone
Shipping is free with orders over $100 across the contiguous USA
International shipping options available
Most items ship out same day
We get it. You've got alot of choices when it comes to Outdoor and Survival retailers. Here's why we think you should shop with us at Better Bushcraft.