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NATO & Multi-Cam, The End Of Patriotism Among Countries

NATO & Multi-Cam, The End Of Patriotism Among Countries

Since the dawn of time we as humans have proudly displayed colors of unity among themselves to distinguish where they come from, who they are, what they stand for, and most importantly, what is worth dying for. 

Scottish kilts, Coats of Arms, Flags, and Uniformed Military Personnel. All sported by the most patriotic of their respective countries. 

Patriotism, or love and devotion for one's country, holds significant importance in various aspects of society and individual lives. Here are some reasons why patriotism is important:

Unity and Cohesion: Patriotism fosters a sense of unity among citizens. When people feel a strong attachment to their country, they are more likely to come together, work towards common goals, and support each other in times of need. This unity is crucial for a stable and harmonious society.

National Identity: Patriotism helps individuals develop a sense of national identity and belonging. It instills pride in one's cultural heritage, history, and achievements, which can contribute to a stronger sense of self and community.

Motivation for Progress: A patriotic spirit can motivate citizens to work towards the betterment of their country. Whether through civic engagement, volunteering, or contributing to the economy, patriotism inspires individuals to strive for progress and prosperity on both personal and national levels.

Defense and Security: Patriotism plays a vital role in national defense and security. Citizens who love their country are more likely to support and defend it against external threats. This support extends to military service, public safety initiatives, and maintaining vigilance against potential dangers.

Civic Responsibility: Patriotism encourages civic responsibility and active participation in the democratic process. Citizens who feel a strong connection to their country are more likely to engage in voting, advocacy for social justice, and upholding the rule of law, thereby contributing to the functioning of a healthy democracy.

Cultural Preservation: Patriotism can help preserve a nation's cultural heritage and traditions. When people take pride in their country's unique customs, languages, and arts, they are more inclined to protect and promote these aspects of their culture for future generations.

International Relations: Patriotism can positively impact a country's image and relationships with other nations. A strong sense of patriotism often translates into a positive national image abroad, fostering goodwill and cooperation on the international stage.

Resilience in Adversity: Patriotism provides resilience in the face of adversity. During challenging times such as natural disasters or economic downturns, a shared sense of love for one's country can inspire people to come together, support each other, and overcome difficulties as a united front.

32 Countries to date are involved in NATO, the list is the following:

LBANIA (2009), BELGIUM (1949), BULGARIA (2004), CANADA (1949), CROATIA (2009), CZECHIA (1999), DENMARK (1949), ESTONIA (2004), FINLAND (2023), FRANCE (1949), GERMANY (1955), GREECE (1952), HUNGARY (1999), ICELAND (1949), ITALY (1949), LATVIA (2004), LITHUANIA (2004), LUXEMBOURG (1949), MONTENEGRO (2017), NETHERLANDS (1949), NORTH MACEDONIA (2020), NORWAY (1949), POLAND (1999), PORTUGAL (1949), ROMANIA (2004), SLOVAKIA (2004), SLOVENIA (2004), SPAIN (1982), SWEDEN (2024), TÜRKIYE (1952), UNITED KINGDOM (1949), UNITED STATES (1949)

With all of these countries involved, the global military mission purpose is to guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means. While politically, NATO promotes democratic values and enables members to consult and cooperate on defense and security-related issues to solve problems, build trust and, in the long run, prevent conflict. 

While this is all fine and dandy, countries are losing there individualism among themselves by tossing aside there old military uniforms designed in there country by there fellow countrymen for the new Multicam camo. 

While Multicam is a great and effective pattern in an array of different environments 32 countries sporting the same camouflage, one can only become curious as to why?

Multicam refers to a type of camouflage pattern used by military and law enforcement personnel, as well as outdoor enthusiasts. Developed by Crye Precision, Multicam is designed to effectively blend into various environments, including woodland, desert, and urban settings.

It features a combination of colors such as brown, tan, green, and beige, arranged in a pixelated pattern to mimic natural surroundings and provide better concealment for personnel and equipment. The pattern has gained popularity for its versatility and effectiveness across different terrains.

Additionally, variations of Multicam have been developed to suit specific environments, such as Multicam Arid and Multicam Tropic.

Patriotism is now reduced to a singular patch. Which with a quick release of the hook and loop, can be replaced by a global totalitarian patch. 

 While we don't know what the future holds we do know that this is where we are as of now. Foreign Military Surplus is available now but once the military surplus is gone, it seems we won't see it again for a long...LONG time.

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